

La Tanzania, formalmente Repubblica Unita di Tanzania è uno stato dell'Africa orientale

Confina a nord con Kenya e Uganda, a ovest con Ruanda, Burundi e Repubblica Democratica del Congo, e a sud con Zambia, Malawi e Mozambico. A est è bagnata dall'Oceano Indiano.
Il nome "Tanzania" è un portmanteau creato dalla fusione di "Tanganica" e "Zanzibar"; fu adottato quando i due soggetti si unirono nel 1964.

In Evidenza

Vinitaly: Tanzania - The New Wine Frontier

There was impressive interest among "old world" visitors and producers at the 40th edition of Vinitaly for the tasting of wines from Tanzania - the outcome of an Italian cooperation project.

News ed Eventi

  • mock
    22 Aug
    Vinitaly: Tanzania - The New Wine Frontier

    There was impressive interest among "old world" visitors and producers at the 40th edition of Vinitaly for the tasting of wines from Tanzania - the outcome of an Italian cooperation project.

  • mock
    22 Aug
    Wine from Tanzania anyone?

    Just about anywhere can produce wine it would seem. Now East African state Tanzania joins such odd countries as Thailand and Brazil in harvesting grapes and producing wine.